Dear Lord it's been 2 months since my last post!! Where have I been!? I think I've been lazy. That's where I've been. Plus we're not "supposed" to be on the Internet at work and our Internet at home works when it feels like it (which is usually like 2 in the morning only). So here we are, reunited.
There have been some things I've been wanting to write about lately, so let's start...
A van zoomed past me the other day with "Just Divorced!" on the back window. How depressing.
I'm sick of unnecessary Facebook status updates. What is wrong with people? I already deleted one friend- preface... he wasn't even a friend. I guess we went to high school together? I have no idea who he is. I deleted him solely based on his ridiculous status updates. I kind of wish I would have relayed some of his updates before I defriended him, but let's just say that I know EVERYTHING about him and "Denise's" love life. Weird. And inappropriate. Ugh... I have another "friend" who is equally as bad, if not worse. First of all she used to post updates about how her and "Clint' might be having problems, but they'll work through them and how "Clint" didn't beat her, they're just going through some things that she needs to think about. Today, her status says, and I quote, "glad that passing the stones hasn't hurt a bit... woohoo..." Are you f-in kidding me!? Does she not realize that she's posting this on the world wide web?? She's done. Defriend.
I'm watching "16 and pregnant" on MTV. Thank GOD I was never 16 and pregnant. End of story.
I'm itching to travel. Not even far, just get away for a while. A good friend lives in California and I'd love to go see her. Another friend is moving to Arizona on Saturday, let's do it. I have another friend debating about moving to Canada... I've never been to Canada before. And I keep picturing New York, Central Park during Christmas time... I think I just need to quit my job and travel. Now if I could only find that money tree...
Lastly... go see The Hangover... HILARIOUS!!!