You can think he's crazy, you can call him names, but nobody can deny the amazing entertainer that was Michael Jackson. When I first heard the news of his death I naturally didn't believe it. He's always being gossiped about. "He's dead", "he's sick", "his face fell off", so I figured it was just another rumor. But when I finally saw the confirmation, I was surprised at how deeply it hit me.
I wasn't outright emotional. It wasn't like I lost a close friend or family member, it was kind of surreal. I felt kind of like a part of me was gone. Literally. You might think it's crazy because he's just some singer that I've never even met, but I have so many great memories that involve his music, videos and dance moves that it's hard to find an era of my life that didn't involve his music. It felt like I did know him. I felt like he had always been a part of my life.
You see, I was listening to Michael Jackson on vinyl before I was even born. My mom was a big fan and owned records all the way back to the Jackson 5. I'm pretty sure I learned how to use a record player with the Thriller album. That's not the only thing I learned either. I have so many memories of my brothers and me dancing to MJ from when we were tiny babies even up to today. I remember when I first saw his Dirty Diana video, I was in love... and I was probably 5 years old. When we got the Moonwalker movie on VHS I swear I watched it at least 3 times a week. If you haven't seen this movie and you're an MJ fan, watch it, it's great. Even if you're not a fan, you'll become one. You think it's a coincidence that the little girl's name in that movie was Katie? I think not.
Yes he had some crazy years in his life, but when you're forced to be an adult when your 5 years old I can't expect your life to be normal. We wanted him in the spotlight, we wanted him to be the superstar that he was, we didn't give him a chance to be a normal human being.
Despite all of the crazy things he did in his life, it's undeniable that he was an amazing entertainer. He's inspired so many people all over the world in such an intense way. Watching videos from his concerts, seeing his fans screaming, crying and literally fainting just at the meer sight of him standing on stage absolutely amazes me. I always held hope that he would decide to do one final tour in the U.S. I would have even settled for 1 single show in the U.S. I would have been there. The cost of the ticket wouldn't matter, I would have paid it. To witness him, live, giving it his all up there would have been worth every single penny. A live Michael Jackson moonwalk... I probably would have passed out too.
Sadly, since he's gone I won't be able to see him live. I'll have to cling to my Moonwalker VHS and my old tapes and CDs for now. He will live on through his legendary music and his unforgettable dance moves. There is no doubt that I will be a Michael Jackson fan for life.
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