Because of this I haven't had much time to work on my portfolio. It seems like something I could just sit down, spend a few hours and it's done. That's definitely not the case. For me, you can't just force creativity. You think that will be a problem with me in the future. Haha, I hope not. Plus, I need to do some research before I can truly delve into the process. The good news is- I'm off work tomorrow! Not only is that awesome news because any day off is great, but I will also have some time to work on this book. Yes, I do have a hair appointment at noon, and already have a commitment to help some friends make their Halloween costumes (beer box robots anybody?) but I also have on my agenda to get something done on my book. Alright, onto some other topics...
- If you've never seen Ace of Cakes you're missin out. I love this show, maybe because I love cake. You have no idea how much I want a cake from Charm City Cakes. So, I told A' he should get me one, just because I'm so great (uhh, hasn't anyone heard of Sweetest Day? Well, it's Saturday... hint hint...) Not that I could really have a cake from Charm City considering that it's over 1,000 miles away, but I thought it wouldn't hurt just to check out their website... in case I'm ever in Baltimore... ya know? Come to find out the cheapest cake they will even make is $1,000. There goes my dream.
- While listening to the radio the other day I learned that you're not allowed to say "menstrual". Believe me, I don't want to hear this word more than anyone else, but really? I mean, who are they protecting my blocking this word, children? I'm sure they're going to learn what it means eventually. Weird. I think that one day nothing will be censored anymore anyway so let's just get to it.
- Tuesday night in yoga some lady decided that her 9-year-old daughter needed to join our class. I didn't want to pass judgment and automatically assume that this little girl was going to ruin my hour of zen so instead I tried telling myself that maybe this was an encouraging sign that not all children are fat and lazy. Well, I was right about the former... she ruined my hour. I really tried hard to ignore her once I heard her mother shushing her and disciplining her in the middle of down dog, but I couldn't. Every time I saw her out of the corner of my eye she was either laying on her back, rolling around, laying on her stomach wilding flailing her legs behind her or walking around. Then she left. Just walked out in the middle of class. Don't worry, she returned about 10 minutes later only to pick up the free weights that are stored at the back of the room and proceed to do bicep curls for the remainder of class. What I'm trying to say is don't bring your children to yoga. Please. Do me a favor, spare me the hour that I just wasted and either a) leave your child at home where you know she wanted to stay in the first place, b) drop her off at the gym's kid zone so someone else can watch her perfect her curls, or c) enroll her in kiddie yoga and let her waste someone else's time. Thanks.
Tomorrow, I'm getting a hair cut and color. I haven't colored my hair in years but I'm bored so why not. Oh, and did I mention I get to sleep in? Tomorrow will be a great day, Happy Friday!!
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