Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wacky Wednesday Edition

I've realized that I have a pretty hard time sitting down and writing if I can't find a quiet place to concentrate. Right now I'm at work, listening to the guys next to me pondering what exactly a hot crossed bun is, so excuse me if this post is scattered. I also just realized that I'm over this font....

Ok, I feel better now. So let's get down to business:
  • Today is the last day to register to vote in Missouri. Are you hearing this? I'm actually encouraging people to register and vote! It is amazing, but over the past few weeks I have actually gotten into to this whole 'election' thing. A' and I have even been having debates on important issues instead of whether to watch The Hills or Troy. (I won by the way, we watched The Hills) I have been watching the debates, something you would never catch me doing in the past, and I was actually interested in it. Don't get me wrong, there is still a TON of stuff I don't understand but who knows, maybe this is the beginning of my ongoing political education.
  • I finally got some things done that I have been putting off for a while. It's not exciting at all but boy did it feel good to get them done. We finally picked up a huge amount of clutter around the house, including our nasty, moldy inflatable pool that's been mucking up the backyard all summer. Whoever thought it was a good idea to buy a kiddie pool from Big Lots this summer was an idiot. Ok, it was my idea. And in my defense it had cup holders! The only problem was that we rarely used it and when it didn't get used, it wasn't maintained and it got really gross. Then we were just too lazy to go deal with the mess. Anyway, it's done now, whew...
  • I sat down and wrote out thank you notes to my family for my lovely birthday party. I send cards all of the time but for some reason the concept of thank you cards are a little beyond me. I know that they're thoughtful, but to me a phone call or simple "thank you" would suffice. All I know is that when I get a thank you card I say to myself "Hm.. well, you're welcome." Then I usually throw it away. Either way, I thought it would be a nice gesture. I had a hard time coming up with different things to say to each person I was sending cards to, but in the end it felt pretty good. I have heard from most of them since they received the cards and they, in turn, thanked me for the card. Haha, what a thankful cycle it has become.
  • I was in Wal-Mart the other day and decided to impulse buy (as usual) some Nair Shower Power because let's face it, I'm lazy. I've tried Nair in the past and I wasn't too impressed, plus it smelled awful, but I decided to give this new product a try. The perk to this product is that supposedly you can put it on and shower, then rinse it off instead of just sitting around and waiting on it. I'm all about multitasking. So I lube up my legs and yes, it still stinks- not quite as bad I guess. You have to wait a couple of minutes before getting in the shower, oh and you're not supposed to let direct stream hit your legs, which is kind of difficult if you're in the shower. So I wait, then I get in, and immediately it feels, and kind of looks like all of the lotion is just coming right off my legs. How annoying. I tried to avoid the "direct stream", and the directions did say that "some" rinse off is normal but I was still annoyed. When it was finally time to rinse off there really wasn't much left, but I did it anyway. My legs were super slippery, and it still felt like there were spots that were completely missed. Apparently if that's the case you're supposed to leave it on for longer. Well, I didn't feel like it so I just scrubbed the hair like hell. In the end my legs were pretty smooth and really soft. The appearance of smooth legs lasted for probably 4 or 5 days however it still felt like I needed to shave like normal. I'm not sure how that happened. I tried it again a few days later and left it on a little longer and I think it was a little more successful this time around. Overall, it was a pretty good purchase. It's nice not having to shave your legs everyday and really, there's only going to be one person rubbing on my stems so if they feel stubbly but look smooth I'm ok with that. Oh- also- the bottle says not to use on your lady parts. Trust me, don't try to be the tough guy. Listen to the bottle!
  • I just have to say how much I hate people- generally girls- who go to the gym and talk on their cell phone the entire time they're "working out". I hate you. I hate you even more when you're casually walking on a treadmill that I could be running on. I hate you. Cancel your gym membership already and get off of my machine.
  • I recently tagged all of my photos on MySpace. A little loserish? Yes, but for some reason it feels like I've checked one more thing off of my to do list. Ahh....
  • And lastly, I would like to recommend Altoids Dark Chocolate Dipped Mints to everyone who will listen. They are delicious, addictive and I'm in love. If you like mint/chocolate, think Junior Mints, you will love these tasty little breath fresheners. I'm going to eat 1 right now. (and by 1 I mean 13)

I guess I'd better do some work today while I'm here. Or maybe not. I'll think about it. I promise to post again very very soon!

1 comment:

Blinds said...

I don't understand how its even possible to keep your legs away from steam in a shower. The concept is beyond me. You are a wiser woman than I.