Update on the car wreaths: My #1 amiga, Meg, informs me that she has already come in contact with cars fully decorated in Christmas lights and garland. Gag me with a spoon.
You wanna know another thing I hate about Christmas? Santa hats. Unless you're A) playing Santa for your 5-year-old niece, B) working part time at your local mall as Santa, or C) dressing up as naughty Mrs. Claus for your boyfriend you should not own a Santa hat.
Nothing evokes more crazy stares from me than seeing some crazy old lady at the grocery store wearing a Santa hat. WHY!? You're not cute. You're not clever. You're weird.
As I was walking through the parking garage on the way out of work the other day, some strange, portly woman drove past me wearing a Santa hat. I just don't get it. It was a random Thursday!
So please folks, let's just leave the Santa hats on the Wal-Mart shelves where they belong and maybe try a scarf, or a headband instead.
(ps- the lady pictured wearing the oh-so stylish santa hat is not me. i can assure you of that.)
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