I have this memory from my childhood from when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I remember it, because it was such an exciting moment in my life. I was sitting around with my brothers eating some delicious watermelon, when we got the wise idea that we should try planting the seeds to see if we could grow our own watermelon.
When we were done eating we gathered up our seeds and headed out to my dad's tomato garden in the backyard. We spread out the seeds and gave them some water then headed back inside, excited about our accomplishments.
The very next day we were anxious to check out the progress that our watermelon garden had made (come on, we were little ok?) To our shock and awe there, sitting amongst the tomato vines and fresh soil, was a shiny, full grown, delicious-looking watermelon. Amazing! We were SO excited. I remember running inside to show our parents what we had done. We still have pictures of my brothers and me posing with our cats in front of our masterpiece. We were the best green thumbs in town.
It wasn't until about... oh... 4 years ago that we learned that we didn't actually grow the watermelon, instead, our dad purchased a watermelon from the store and put it in the garden. Boy did we feel dumb. Yes, looking back I realize that you can't grow a watermelon overnight, but when you're that young anything is possible. I must say that when our parents told us the truth about the mystery watermelon (through their laughter) we were all pretty disappointed. We felt scammed. Apparently we aren't the great watermelon producers that we thought we were for so many years. Oh well. I guess our parents' intentions were good. Maybe they should have kept the lie alive.
The moral of this story is if you lie to your children, keep lying to them. As ridiculous as the lie is, just don't tell them the truth... for their pride's sake. :D
Your parents had such a special way of lying. Remember Pepsi? haha
Haha, I remember this story. What a good one :)
Listen a-holes, I thought about blogging about Pepsi but a) I thought it would be too painful and b) i thought animal services might be called on me. so yes, I DO remember Pepsi, every night, while I cry myself to sleep. thank you.
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