I understand that people introduce people and meet people through friends, but do you ever have that friend who perpetually tries to weasel in on all of your best friends!? Not just a casual work buddy that you introduce them to that they want to be friends with but they move in on your closest friends. And not just one of them, every single one of them. They attack from all angles! Sigh...
I've got a friend stealer in my life, and I try to justify it by saying that she just likes attention, but it's getting really out of hand and annoying. In fairness, I did meet her through a friend, but technically here's how it went down. She was dating A's best friend so we ended up being the only girls whenever we all hung out so naturally, we became friends. Eventually her and the guy broke up and we've continued our friendship.
In order to try and save myself from sounding the least bit rude or whiny, I'll try to sum up the reasons of her more recent annoyances as quickly as possible. Whenever she wants to hang out with me but can't get ahold of me, she calls/texts my best friend to hang out. Rude. Not rude that she's trying to steal my best friend, rude that she's trying to find me through my best friend. She's constantly calling/texting A' to hang out, even if I've already told her my or our plans for the night. She went on a date with A's brother last night. What the hell, really!? Get out of my bubble!
Am I the only one who has a problem with these people? Probably... I'm rude.
As I was texting my best friend the latest antics of the friend stealer, friend stealer herself texts me and asks me what's going on this weekend. She's off on Saturday so we should "do somethin fun!" I told her that I was going to be out of town. As I was texting my best friend, "watch, now she'll text you or A' to hang out this weekend since I'm not around" friend stealer interrupted my text by texting my best friend, "Hey, what's goin on this weekend? I'm off work on Saturday so we should do somethin fun!" Really???? Really.
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