A few months ago I was doing some shoe shopping at Marshall's when I had an encounter with the greatest mother of all time. I mean, this lady was a real gem. I was minding my own business, trying on a few different pairs of shoes that I didn't need to be buying, when I heard children screaming to my right. I didn't want to be judgmental, so I just gave a quick glance in their direction to scope out the situation and went back to my shoe fitting.
They were only about 10 feet to my right, 2 small children sitting in a shopping cart and their mother completely ignoring them while cruising for shoes. I could hear one of the kids telling mom that he had to go to the bathroom, but she gave some nonchalant response implying that he just needed to hold it. Then the other child tried to help out, telling the mom that he really needed to go, but again, mommy needs new shoes. So the kids were left to their own accord while their mom just kept shushing them while looking at shoes.
Well, at this point I thought, "rude", but it wasn't my place to interject, so I kept shopping. Until I heard something unsettling which stopped me dead in my tracks. It sounded like one of the kids knocked over a soda or bottle that was spilling all over the floor. It last for about a minute, and I just couldn't help it, I had to look. The little boy peed his pants. Right now I'm shocked, I was probably starring, waiting for the mother to take control of the situation, but clearly that was asking too much.
After another minute or so their mother finally noticed what had happened and started yelling at the little boy. I believe her words are "sit down and shut up." So now, the little boy is crying, the girl is confused, and mommy is still shopping. There is a huge puddle of urine on the floor. After another few minutes mom casually wheels the shopping cart back to the front of the store, completely avoiding the huge mess on the floor, removes the kids, and leaves. And I KNOW she saw the puddle on the ground. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. I was not in the mood to try on shoes anymore, plus I would have had to climb over the puddle in the process, no thanks. So I left.
In short, I wanted to take this opportunity to unofficially give the mom of the year award to this fantastic woman. You left in such a rush that I didn't get a chance to tell you what a great woman you are. Your children are so, so lucky to have a mom like you. We can only hope that they grow up to be a fraction of the person you are today. Oh, and you've ruined shoe shopping at Marshall's for me for eternity. Thanks for that too.
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