Dear Friends, it has been too long. I have had full intentions of writing but things keep coming up. I'm still getting used to this habitual blogging thing, I'm new, ok? One day I'll have it down. Until then, let's dive into the recent happenings of my life.
First I'd like to preface by saying don't buy Kinoki foot pads. I'm glad I tried them, sad they don't work, and want my 20 bucks back. I only used them 3 times, and A' thought it would be funny to try them out too. He put one on his chest, the other on his butt cheek and wouldn't you know it- not a damn thing happened! He woke up the next morning and the pads looked like he had just taken them out of the box. They weren't dirty, dark, hard-nothing. Weird. Anyway, I don't care enough to continue them (I'm an immediate results kinda girl) so maybe I'll put them on Craig's List Free Stuff section.
Second, the past week has been a little crazy. First birthday antics, then I had some stupid, stupid boy drama (thank god that's over) and this weekend one of my good friends from work got married. We had such a good time. The drive home the next morning was not such a good time however.
Aside from my life that keeps getting in the way of this little experiment of mine, I have been diligently trying to make myself more politically educated. With the upcoming election looming around the corner it's hard not to be bombarded with political propaganda everywhere you turn (I was an advertising major for god's sake) I've never been into politics of any form. My parents and both my brothers are deep into politics but it has never interested me. It doesn't help much either when your college political science professor tells you not to vote because "your vote doesn't count". Very encouraging professor.
Even though I'm not so much interested in politics, I've always envied people who could discuss political matters at length. Please don't get this confused with people who get emotionally involved and ARGUE political views- those people I do NOT envy. These people I think are a small bit crazy. Maybe it's my fault for not having anything that I'm that passionate about... except maybe my stance on smoking, which we'll surely get to at a later post.
The first, and probably most frustrating, hurdle I've found when trying to gather political information is trying to find reliable, non-biased sources. There is SO much information out there, but is it truely information, or misinformation? Or is it in fact uselful information that is endorsed by the party it is supporting making everything positively reflect the candidate in question. It's overwhelming.
I've been spending a lot of time reading both the hard hitting facts and the smut, and I still don't feel educated at all. I don't understand how people get into this stuff. Maybe I should talk to my brothers- although that would be highly biased. I just have a hard time focusing on politics when I would much rather be reading non-sensical celebrity gossip or updating my myspace. Sad, I know. But, that's part of the reason I'm doing this little experiment. I'm striving to be a more well-rounded person. Not only will I be able to tell you the names of all of Britney Spears' dogs, but I can also tell you about off-shore drilling and foreign policy (or at least I'll try!)
I'm going to continue my research this week, maybe I'll even talk to some folks on both sides of issues and see why they are voting for the candidate that they are and not the other. Also this week I plan on sitting down and working on my creative portfolio! This has been a LONG time coming. I actually set a deadline for myself to have it done by October 1st, but I'm not so sure that will happen.
Last, and certainly not least today, I'd like to wish a Happy 6th Birthday to my favorite puppy in the whole wide world- Cooper!!! I see a large, juicy bone in your future!
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