When I woke up this morning I immediately turned my cell off. It felt weird but I tried to reassure myself that maybe this would take a little stress out of my day. I did tell my mom and A' that my phone would be off so they wouldn't worry if they tried calling, but aside from them nobody else knew.
On the way to work I was bored and instead of calling someone I was forced to listen to lame morning radio programs. It made for a boring ride but I was still trying to be open minded. When I got to work I already had a missed call from A' on my work phone. I thought for a second that something was wrong. Why would he call my work phone before I even got to work? I wanted to turn on my cell to see if he had left me a voicemail or sent me a text but I resisted. I called him back and everything was fine, he just wanted to chat.
Once work started things were going better than expected. I really felt like not having that distraction there or even the temptation to take a break and text someone made me more productive and even a little less stressed out than when my phone is on. I did, however, find myself going through some of the usual mannerisms I would if my phone were on. When I came back from meetings I reached for my phone to see if anyone had called or texted. There were countless times today that I reached for my phone wondering what time it was. I never really realized how much I relied on my phone as a watch (which I guess would explain why I never wear a watch)
Several times throughout the day I thought of things that I needed... ok, probably more like wanted to tell people. Usually I would just send someone a quick text but not today. When I did talk to A' on the phone I had to try and remember all the little things I was going to tell him, half of which I forgot. I needed to ask my sister-in-law something and realized I didn't know her number! It got me thinking... who's numbers DO I know?! When I stopped to think about it, it was pretty sad how few phone numbers I have memorized or even written down somewhere. I realized that I really only have a few numbers memorized. My mom, A', my best friend and one other friend, only 1 of my brother's (sorry Chaz- I don't know your number!) and that pretty much sums it up. It was pretty sad. I think after that realization I'm going to write down all of the numbers in my phone just in case.
So, I made it through the work day. I wasn't happy, but by this point I had kind of gotten used to it. The drive home was awful because I was stuck in rush hour traffic with no phone. When I got home I used the landline phone (which I pretty much forgot we even had) to make a call. As the night wore on I kind of forgot about my phone and was busy doing other things, but it was still weird not to have it in my hand everywhere I went.
Overall it was a very odd day. I felt out of sorts, like I forgot to put on pants or something. I think it's pretty sad to rely on my cell phone that much, but that's just how I am. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but it definitely wasn't easy. I can't wait for tomorrow morning to turn it on again... I'm sure I'll only have like 1 missed call, zero texts :P
Tomorrow I'm trying a new product from one of those crazy infomercials that I've always wanted to try. Hopefully it turns out as cool as it is on TV and not a sham... guess we'll have to see! Goodnight.
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