Yes, Saturday was my birthday, and I had a great time. All day I got texts and phone calls from friends and family. I couldn't believe how many people remembered my birthday. I even got 2 random texts from numbers I didn't know... strange. That night we hit the town and needless to say, I'm obviously getting older. For starters, our group seemed a little smaller than in past years. Oh, and not to mention I realized while starring at everyone in my drunken haze, that really only 1 person there was MY friend. Everyone else was a friend of A's. I know that when you're in a relationship his friends are my friends and vice versa but man... that seemed depressing.
Don't get me wrong, most of my friends don't live in town, one was sick, one had "car trouble", but it still seemed kind of sad. Whatever, I got over it after about 9 shots. At that time I also realized that I was getting older because there was no way in hell that I was heading out to the next club we had intended on. I-was-wasted. All I wanted to do was dance, but instead I ended up starring down a dirty bar toilet making sure there was no puke on my hot pink heels. Nope, I was good. Now hold your head high and act sober. Well, I found out over the past few days that I wasn't fooling anyone, oh well. So as I watched the younger half of the bunch head off to another bar I was being carried out to sit on the curb, drink my water, and wait for my mom to pick us up. Yes, my mom picked us up from the bar.
Now, I've been drunk in front of my mom several times, but I honestly don't even remember the ride home at all. She told me the next day that I was pretty entertaining (supposedly I left some pretty nasty voicemails for the no-shows of the group during the ride...oops) She showed up just as the bar we were at was closing and picked me up... no literally... picked me up from the curb and shoveled me into the backseat between my 2 best friends. Oh, what an evening it was.
Sunday morning I woke up still drunk and craving some biscuits and gravy and good company. Over breakfast we shared stories, all of which I don't remember, and pictures that were taken the night before, all of which I don't want to remember. After breakfast it was family time. Now, I don't know if you remember my first post where I mentioned that I had been neglecting to call my Granny? Well, she was at the family birthday party. Thanks for letting me know everybody. Had I known Granny and her must-leave-a-negative-comment-about-anything-that-anyone-says self was going to be present I would have made it a point to call her beforehand. But instead, there I was, face to face with her, and trust me, she hadn't forgotten that I still, after (oh, 4 months?) called her back. I assured her that she was on my list of callbacks, and that it was terribly long. She kind of rolled her eyes and said that if I wasn't going to call then I would just have to come by and visit. Don't worry, I'll call.
Family birthday parties tend to become lamer as you get older, but this year I was pretty impressed. Pizza, my favorite chocolate cake and some GREAT gifts. Aside from the Sex and the City complete series box set that A' got me, a great John Mayer CD the bestie got me and some other random treasures, my family all pooled together to get me a brand new iPod nano and a speaker set that goes with it. I won't bore you with the details of this sweet little gem, so let me just give you one feature of this new nano that might blow your mind the way it did mine. If you don't like the song you're currently listening to simply SHAKE IT and it shuffles to a random song for you. Yes, shake it. Are you kidding me? I'm in love.
The night ended with a fantastic dinner with the soon to be in-laws. Great food, great company, which all made for a great night of sleep. Overall, I had a great birthday. There were a few good friends, in their defense, forgetful friends, who forgot to call me, my coworkers forgot to pass around the generic card that everyone signs, but I think it all made me realize how unimportant the little things are.
Alright, so enough about the birthday, back to the purpose of this blog. Yes, I've been slacking, but I think I have a plan. Many of the things I want to accomplish will probably take more than a day to execute (I mean, who can learn how to play a guitar in 1 day?). So I think i might aim for a new goal each week. Sure, I can throw in some other random acts on certain days if I'm feelin it, but I think once a week might me more reasonable.
Ok friends, off to bed. But not before I stick on my 3rd application of Kinoki foot pads- which so far appear to be a total scam because I feel no different at all. Goodnight!
I was wondering how long this try something new DAILY routine was going to last. :)
Additionally, what if you are using your nano at the gym while running. Is the song going to keep changing? Can you turn off the shake feature? This is baffling me!
Yeah, the daily thing is stressing me out, apparently I'm not that creative. Or maybe I'm just so worldy that I've already done more than their is to do ;)
The nano is amazing. You have to give it a little harder shake than I think regular running would do (trust me, that was my concern too) but you can also lock it and it would prevent the shake-shuffle too.
It's beautiful, you should check it out.
I think its time for a new postical.
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