Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lame Day Tuesday

It's Tuesday.  And I've been pretty lame today.  I've typed 3 drafts to this post so far and I've deleted them all.  Here's to starting over.  

Today I learned:
  • 5:30 is too early for me to wake up
  • sleeping in makes me late to work, therefore no time for coffee
  • my job is even lamer today than it was yesterday
  • my managers don't really care what we have to say
  • crying at work is really stupid and makes you feel like a pussy
  • finding happiness in others is an easy solution to your unhappiness
  • little things, like seeing A hiding from me behind his truck, can make me forget everything from 5:30 am on
  • falling asleep in yoga class is great
  • coming home to someone you love and a sweet, snuggling kitty is even greater
  • going to sleep knowing tomorrow is another day and knowing you're not alone- is the best.
Tomorrow is Wednesday, and although work is sure to be dreadful, I promise that I have a new experiment up my sleeve.  I think this one's going to be pretty hard for me to do, but it's only 24 hours, what do I have to loose.  Goodnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who are you? This post does not seem like you. It's all mushy love grossness. Where did my cynical, love is for pansies, Kate go?