There are a few different reasons I've been wanting to start a blog but I think the main one is because I'm ready for a change. You see, in 6 days I'm turning 25. The big 2-5, a quarter of a century. I've had a pretty great life so far but for some reason I'm starting to think outside of the box. I feel like there is so much more to this world than the things we all do day in and day out. There are so many things I have wanted to do in life (i.e. go skydiving, become fluent in Spanish) or things that I have put off doing (call my Granny, donate to a charity) or just weird things I wonder if I am capable of doing (turn off my cell phone for a whole day, ride the bus to work, start a blog?) It's all of these things that brought me here.
Everyday I want to try something new or different. At the end of each day I plan on writing about my experiences. How it made me feel, how others reacted, if it was anything like I expected it would be. I hope that in the end I will be able to look back and see how much I've learned about myself and maybe I'll even have picked up a skill or two along the way.
I would love to have suggestions from any readers (if anyone somehow stumbles across this lonely blog in cyberspace) on something new I could try. I have quite a few ideas stirring around my head, but I'm sure I'll run out eventually.
I'm sure you'll get to know me through my adventures each day, but I guess I could give you a formal introduction. My name is Kate, and I live in Kansas City, Missouri. Basically find a map and point to the very center of the U.S. and that's where you'll find me. I studied Journalism and Advertising in college and currently work for a huge corporation here in KC. I can assure you that you've purchased some of the products from the giant powerhouse I work for. My job is boring and I usually pass the time texting and reading celebrity gossip. I have a great family, a best friend of 20 years and an awesome fiance who makes me laugh constantly.
There is so much more to me, but what fun would it be to give it all up in my first post? Stay tuned because it's sure to be an experience... whether good or bad we'll soon find out.
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