So, I'm not entirely sure yet, but I think I might have been scammed. It's not often that I fall victim to those addicting infomercials but this time, I did. I've been seeing commercials for the Kinoki Foot Pads for a while now and from the beginning I thought it was a load of crap. It wasn't until I saw my local CVS store carrying them that I thought maybe they weren't entirely crap.
If you're not familiar with the Kinoki Foot Pads, or any other brand for that matter, let me give you a quick rundown. The Kinoki Foot Pads are essentially "detox" pads for your body. They are small, herbal patches that you apply to the bottoms of you feet at night and while you sleep they are supposed to pull out the toxins in your body. Sounds impossible, yes, am I a sucker, yes as well. So I shelled out the $20 to give it a whirl.
Last night I opened the package and read the instructions. The first thing that surprised me about the foot pads is they aren't actually a simple pad you apply to your foot, but rather a 2 part pad you have to assemble, then place on your foot. It comes with a gauze patch and the herbal packet. Another thing I found interesting is that you don't have to apply these to your feet, you can put them anywhere. I'm contemplating trying them on my butt cheeks next go round....
First step: wash and dry your feet. Second, you pull off the adhesive strip on the gauze patch and open the herbal packet. Place the herbal packet in the center of the gauze patch and apply to the bottoms of your feet (or ass cheeks) You have the option of either applying one patch to one foot each night, alternating feet, or one pad on each feet every other night. I decided to take it to the limit and use one patch on each foot last night to see where that would take me.
When I woke up this morning and removed the foot patches the herbal packets did turn dark like the infomercials promised. What I found weird was that not only were they dark, but they were hard too, which kind of grossed me out. I removed the patches and went on with my day, hoping to feel refreshed and rejuvenated like the commercials promised. Well... that wasn't exactly the case...
I did wake up pretty easily, which is NOT the case for me, ever. I could sleep all day long if someone would allow me, but this morning at 5 am I was up and at em. As the day wore on I was insanely dehydrated. I have no idea if it was a result of these foot pads or not but man... I seriously drank probably an entire water tower today. I also felt sick to my stomach for a good majority of the day. I didn't eat anything out of the norm or do anything strange so again, I'm not sure if Kinoki is to blame or what. Overall, I have to say that one night was not enough to gauge the effects the foot pads had on me. You are supposed to use them until the discoloration wears off, so I will continue to use them as I am supposed to, hoping for something miraculous to happen.
I did some research today from consumers who have tried Kinoki Foot Pads in the past and I was pretty embarrassed. Most people just said it's a scam, the pads turn dark from water on the patches, it's a placebo, etc. This may be the case, but I would have never known if I didn't try it. I'm going to use them again tomorrow and I'll keep you posted. I'm sure it's a scam.... I'm such a sucker. As for now it's off to bed with my crazy kitty, Bingo. Tomorrow's Friday!!!! Goodnight!
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