Belly button ring aside, it's been too long blog and I apologize for neglecting you, so let's get down to business. What's new...
I broke my toe Saturday night. That wasn't cool. It still isn't very cool actually. I was running down our carpeted stairs at home in pantyhose and I quickly learned is that pantyhose doesn't have much traction to them. I slipped on the second stair and went flying into the wall, all the way down the stairs. Ouch. It was ridiculous and immediate pain. Hours later I was still laying in bed crying, I think I fell asleep crying. Now my middle toe looks like a purple vienna sausage. Yummy. The thing that sucks is that you can't really do much for a broken toe, I've learned. The advice everyone has given me is to tape it to my other toe, which i think is weird. I went a couple of days just limping around but this morning I decided to give this "buddy taping" method a try. It's weird.
I think the reason they say to do this is so your toe grows back in line with the rest of your toes. In the words of A', "so it's not just hangin' out off to the side." I'm not quite sure where my middle toe is going to go, but I tried it anyway. Now it's even weirder to walk and I could barely fit my foot in my shoe. Oh well.
One of the reasons I haven't written in a while is because they decided to implement this new "no internet" rule at work. Yes, I'm at work right now, forgive me. They basically told us that we couldn't do ANYTHING unless it was work related or we were on break. So, even when we're slow, caught up on work and there is nothing to do, we have to find something to do. No internet, no reading books, no text messaging, nothing. I think they want us to sit here and stare at a blank computer screen. It's dumb. I'm rebelling.
I was telling A' a funny story about my dad the other day. It was a story about how ornery him and his brother used to be as kids. In the town where he grew up they used to have a convenient store that would deliver. My dad used to call the store and pretend to be his dad and order beer. When the delivery man would come by with the beer my dad would tell the guy that his dad was in the shower- every single time. A' and I laughed about it, then he asked me, "Did his dad ever find out?" I don't know.... I realized that I'll probably never know the answer to that question, or the outcome to his other stories because I can't ask my dad anymore. It's a very surreal feeling.
And on a happier note, one of my best friends is getting married in a month and this weekend is the bachelorette party. I'm really excited to see all of my friends and have some girl time. Alcohol+High Heels+Broken Toe= ??? Should be interesting...